Friday, April 25, 2008

Sophia Turns 6

Sophia turned 6! She has been planning this Tinkerbell party the entire school year. If you know Sophia then you know that when she gets something in her head it better darn well be that way or the whole city hears about it! We had a major situation brewing this week before her party that I was working very hard at negotiating through so that we wouldn't have a huge emotional blow out. The pinata..she asked me if I would make her a Tinkerbell pinata...I told her I didn't think I could make one like that and to that she replied "you made a Piglet one for my birthday last year" After I told her Piglets shape is a little easier to replicate in pinata form she says to me " fine, then we will just buy one." I quickly recovered and spent the next couple of days trying to get her to understand that I really didn't think we would find a Tink pinata. I hate the hard cardboard pinata, which is the reason I usually make them from scratch at home. BUT I remembered my favorite little Mexican store in town and that they carry genuine paper Mache pinata's, The day we went there...on the way my mom, dad and I all kept prepping her that most likely they will not have a Tink but we will find something good...she seemed to be handling her emotions ok...until we swung open the door, got two steps in and the very first pinata hanging right in front of us is this HUGE Tinkerbell pinata...I think I really saw fireworks in her eyes. What a way to try and teach the most stubborn girl in Spokane about dealing with things NOT going your way! arghh... Side note the pinata's at this store are amazing! Some of them were characters (i.e. Buzz Lightyear) legs and all and stood about as tall as me! They are really cool! Check it out this store sometime: La Pinata' on Sprague in the Valley.

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