Saturday, April 30, 2005


"You know there's like a buttload of gangs at my Sunday School. This one gang kept wanting me to join 'cause I'm pretty good with a bow staff." Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Where was this when I was a kid?????

This is absolutely the greatest dentist office I have been to. This is the waiting room. It is decorated throughout the entire building in this underwater and island theme. You almost want to come really early for your appointment because they have so much fun stuff for the kids. The few pictures I took don't even do it justice for how incredible it is. And the doctor is wonderful...he is so great and fun with the kids. Enjoy! Posted by Hello

This is the area where they can play video games while waiting. Posted by Hello

Behind the kids is a little area with books and puzzles Posted by Hello

Here he goes..he's ready to get his teeth cleaned! Posted by Hello

A little more tense....but he did awesome. Spencer was so great. After he had his X-rays he came running back in and said.."mom, i did it! I kind of choked but I was ok." He was so cute because when he came in he had little tears under his eyes. The dental hygenist said that he actually gagged and threw up a little and his eyes were watering. It was from the slides that they were trying to get way back by his molars..but he didn't even get upset. She was really impressed. what tough guy! Posted by Hello

This is the hygenists room! They keep it all open so that kids can see that other kids are doing it too! Posted by Hello

This is the view looking up from the hygentist's the kids lay back for a cleaning. I wish we had Disney movies playing when I was kid at the dentist. Posted by Hello

I have finally given up on cutting Spencer's hair at home. I am so proud of him! He has been getting much better at stretching himself in areas that used to scare him to death! Good job Spencer! Posted by Hello


At some point through the night one by one they all snuck in. They have finally learned if they come in quietly we won't hear them, therefore, they won't get caught and sent back to their room. I am still perplexed that they all have to come lay on my side of the bedroom. Hello do have a dad! Posted by Hello

The tulips we planted are finally beginning to follow the dafodils in bloom.Posted by Hello

More of Springtime Posted by Hello

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

New Life!.........FINALLY!

Though Spokane didn't have a huge freeze and feet of snow this winter it sure felt like it took forever to see new life. Last fall during a yard clean up we decided to plant some daffodils and tuplips. We are still waiting on the tulips to bloom but here is a look at the first blooms this season. Posted by Hello

On a family hike in the Dishman Hills as we were forging off the beaten trail and into areas that were mostly broken branches and trees, all of a sudden I hear Madeline yell "hey mom, look at this stick it looks like a cross!" She really liked it and we let her take it along the rest of the hike. Then she found some little flowers and was picking a few to keep as well. She was hanging on to all of them in both hands when she ended up losing her balance. Of course everything flew out of her hands she burst into tears that she "lost it all". So the supermom in me unleashed my pony tail and used my rubberband ot hold it all together for her. Madelines creation came out very cute. Posted by Hello

Recently I took Madeline and Spencer out for a few hours and left Sophia to be with dad. I came home and found that dad had found the perfect babysitter while he was trying to get some things done for me. She is getting to be quite a big girl. Loves books and puzzles and learning. Hopefully she will be this way always. Posted by Hello

Like father like daughter....Madeline the artist! I should have you all guess who this is. We are glued to our TV each week watching American Idol. This is Madelines drawing of one of the contestants..Anwar.  Posted by Hello

Friday, April 15, 2005

Today the kids and I spent time thinking about their little 2nd cousin, Gabrielle. She went home to Jesus a year ago today. The kids spent time drawing pictures to attach to their balloons that they sent up to heaven in her memory. Posted by Hello

This is Spencers picture that he put on his balloon. Posted by Hello

This is Madeline's picture. Posted by Hello

Spencer wanted to draw a special picture for Nick. I asked him who this was and he said "it's Jesus and the little baby in heaven" Spencer just learned how to draw circles and faces about a month precious. Posted by Hello

Sunday, April 10, 2005

This morning at about 11am Dan and I were downstairs and all of a sudden Sophia started screaming at the top of her lungs! Apparently Spencer slammed the playroom door on her finger. He finger nail was pulled almost all the way off and her finger pad was also pulled back. We were at Urgent Care for a long time today and all is well now...The Dr had to put her finger nail back under its cutical and glue down her fingerprint...should be well in a week...but has some great medication to help the pain. She was incredible..a tough girl!  Posted by Hello

is this genuine happiness or drug enduced??? Posted by Hello

The codeine should kicking in anytime now! Posted by Hello

Since we were at urgent care all day I didn't get all the laundry done that I had planned on doing today.....Little Spencer is helping dad help mom. what a guy! Posted by Hello

Spencer can write his name totally on his own....finally. A big day for this guy. Posted by Hello