Thursday, April 22, 2010

Will she ever stop??

Somedays I wonder will my oldest daughter ever sleep through the night?? I mean she is only 11 now. Ever since Spencer was born Maddie has woken up in the middle of the night and snuck into our room to sleep. For the last several years Dan has been teasing her "you're not still going to sneak up and sleep on our floor when you're 16 right??" well at the rate she is going I am thinking it may never end. last night for instance Dan and I were heading to bed at 11pm and about 2 minutes had passed after we got in bed and here she comes walking through our door toting her pillow and blankets....Dan tells her to go back to her bed and she actually gasped and grunted with irritation at the both of us. She stomped off but low and behold this morning when I woke up......there she was!!! Most nights she sneaks in sometime in the middle of night or very early morning. I never hear her...but I have the luck of trying to step out of bed in the early am only to fear I am going to step on her face since she seems to favor my side of the room. On this special occasion Lucy woke up at 5am barking and after she came in from going to the bathroom Dan let her find her way to her favorite Williams family member. What a zoo!

nothing beats the playground on warm spring day~!

Maddie is Leytons number 1 fan! She loves keeping him busy and playing with him. The boy takes basketball VERY serious!

Spencer and his "best Buddy" from school. These two have been buds since 1st grade.

Mom's catching up....seems like these days are far and few between with our crazy work schedules!

Hurley Time

Every couple of weeks or so we watch the Hurley Kiddos while Sarah runs off to work and Josh is at school. Captured some of the fun on camera. Apparently Sophia and Averie were getting dressed up for a fancy dance and Mr. Pig and Leyton were their dates.

I am sure Maddie was at soccer practice but had she been home she would have joined in with the boys....Spencer and Logan love playing the Wii together.

Spring Fun

Spencer and one of his friends from school were having fun playing tetherball. Sophia has been on a kick lately trying to find out ways she can save some money...she was pretty excited to help her dad pick up all the pines cones along the side of our house.
Maddie and Mom...planting all of our little plants from the fred meyer fuschia saturday sale.
We ended up with 4 hanging baskets and 7 planters.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Our friends from Burma

These are some pictures of our burmese friends that go to our church with us. Te Tu and his family were refugees in Thailand for many years and about 3-4 years ago we allowd to relocated an resettle in the United States. This little guys here with Spencer is Eh Ye Wah Blue Soe...he was the first Baby born in the United States from this resettlement. He is so cute and so fun! Though the kids english is getting stronger from school, there are some language barriers but you would never know..that is the true beuty of children. they need no words, for they love to just play and laugh. it is true delight to watch the spend time together! This is Te Tu's Daughter Eh Lani and his wife Pa Thaw Thaw
Te Tu and Pa Thaw Thaw

Te Tu and Pa Thaw Thaw's sister arr picking some thai peppers that we planted for Te Tu in our garden. eventually we had them dig up the plants and take them home.

I need to post another picture, if I can find it. They have 4 children...2 boys and 2 girls. they are blessing to share life with and our lives so much richer from spending time with them

First week of School

The first week of School. Sophia is in 2nd grade, Spencer in 4th and Maddie in 5th! They drummed this set up themselves! Too funny!

Sophia is in the talented and gifted program (called ABLES) through the school district. her first project was creating a a car made of fruites and vegetables that could run on a pinewood derby track. I believe as she said her wheels went spinning off half way down. She had a lot of fun with this one!

Hiking with Dad

when the weather gets nice the kids love to go hiking with dad. (sometimes I go too...but it seems to be the activity of choice when they are looking for something to do when mom is sleeping during the day from working the night before) This was boys trip. Spencer is quite the little billy goat.

they blew through this can with a rock and his slingshot.

Aunt Jenny and cousin Rachel Come to town

Jenny and Rachel came for the long weekend in September. I had to work one night and the next day while I was sleeping Jen took the girls to Target for some shopping. When I woke from my slumber the girls were sharing Aunt Jenny's new purchases with me and low and behold she bought a couple of Michael Jackson CD's from when we were kids. So it was a given later that night there would be a good old fashioned dance party. yikes...totally reminded me of the 80's back on Bartley Court!

Teaching Rachel how to make pizza loaf! she did a great job!

Also during there trip here...we went to green bluff and picked apples and I am sure Jake loved that jenny brough home two huge boxes one full of apples and the other of peaches. but they were yummy!

Fearless Sophia takes her family to Silverwood!

One of the greatest things I love about my youngest daughter is that as much as she loves to be tough and to be the know it all little mom of the family....she is still allows her childhood fears to shine through in a few realms. She absolutely runs deep with fear when it comes to any kind of mascot character running around her and also with the Christmas time huge yard balloon decorations and even the easter bunny and santa when they come to visit the mall. It almost breaks your heart ot see her when she is around any of these things. She will grab tight onto your hand and cry instantly and then begin pulling you in the opposite direction. This last summer was the first trip we have made to Silverwood theme park since we moved here. the mascot is garfield and from the second we walked into the park she was rivetted with fear....holding tightly and every step she just kept saying " i know he's is right around the corner mommy" Lucky for us we were with our friends and Jim got us on rides within 5 minutes...this busted her mindset completely of garfield and brought on the daredevil tough girl we all know and love. Her brother and sister were not quite ready for the huge coasters and rides and but went on a couple good ones with her but she went on every ride that even some adults were liek "no way would I do that" she was absolutely fearless and at days end was crying that she couldn't go "just one more time" on a few of her favorite big coasters. The first ride she did with Linda, Dan and I was the panic plunge...lifts you straight up like an elevator and then drops incredibly if you fell from your seat. I liken the fall like it felt as if I left my stomach up at the will have to ask Spencer how Dan explained it to him!
This coaster took her crawling upside ways then running back and forth and upside down at one time. it had the same effect crawling you up the side then dropping you down...but you are actually facing down on the drop.

Maddie with Elli on the scrambler.

Elli, Sophia, Maddie and Spencer on the first roller coaster ride of the day ...and maddie and spencer's last I believe. (they might have done a jr little one later) This is on old wood coaster called the timber terror. (made me a little sick so I was out for a while)

These are our friends Jim and Linda and their two boys Tylor and Jeff. They boys were great with our kids and teamed up with them all day!

We happened to run into our friend Ryan and his daughter Elli-was great to play with them all day! The more the merrier with all the kids!

This was nearing the end of the day after we were at the waterpark side.

Totally funny watching them choose the kiddie copter ride.....what a snooze....look Sophia close...most likely she is thinking "this is boring"

Bumper cars!!!

Waiting in line for the bumper boats!
what a hoot! these kids loved this because not only do you bump...but you can shoot water as well...although Spencer learned quickly if you get too close to the on lookers at the side...they can for a quarter load up a water gun and spray the Jim and Dan and his sons ....drenched him....well and it was sort of my fault to...I believe it was I that lured him close enough to the men for them to soak him. he ate up!


These are very few of the pictures we took all day. We wents on rapid rides , log rides coasters bumbers...too many to count. AND then we spent a ouple of hours in the water park...cruising the lazy river, slides, wave pool etc. It was truly a kid filled wonderful day!