Sunday, November 25, 2007

A mouth full of dirt...

On our way back to the trailhead, Gracie decided to run full speed down the hill you see Spencer sliding down. She totally caught me off guard when she took off running, but she made it all the way to the bottom before her feet got tripped up. She did a Pete Rose slide for a few feet and bounced up with a mouth full of dirt and a knee and elbow pretty scraped up. She started to cry but toughed it out and ended up laughing about it. Maddie helped doctor her up and I offered her a lift for a bit until she gathered herself. (the fireman's carry is one of Sophie's favorites. I use it sparingly for her only when I can tell she is really wiped out. She tries to give me the, "I have tiny legs daddy and I need you to carry me" line quite a bit.)
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