Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Williams family was truly blessed for 4 weeks this late Spring, early Summer. Conner came up and stayed with us and helped out with watching the kids while Dan and I were working. The kids had an absolute blast! And we all know that Conner has a special place in Sophia's heart, so she was elated upon his arrival in May. There really are no words that explain what a wonderful time we had while he was here, nor could we ever express how much we love and appreciate him, his friendship and his love for us. Conner you are truly family to us, we love you and will miss having you around~ And like my freaking made my cry after you drove off! That proves that I love you, even though you keep kicking our butts at road rage! One day, Conner, one day!


Matt and Erin said...

Yay! Finally some new pictures to look at! The kiddos have gotten big, next time we'll have to see them before you dash back home!

Michael McMullen said...

You never cry when I leave! I don't really have a problem with that, it's the crying when I show up. Even that I wouldn't mind so much if you didn't throw vegetables at me every time I set foot on the lawn.

Just kidding. Conner's totally cool.

And, yes, nice to see some new pictures.