Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Halloween

HAPPY HALLOWEEN 2008!!! Alvin, Simon and Theodor sent this picture to their Grandpa Tom for his October 31st Birthday. (side note... we removed our wood stove this fall and are sending it down to Grandpa Tom for his shop at the coastal house.)

The kids love the newest Alvin and the Chipmunks movie that came out last Christmas and have been planning on dressing up like them for Halloween for the last several months. They had a blast this year!!!! Even more so because they were very excited to have Grace join them for the annual "Candy Carnival" put on by our church. It was a great success and the kids absolutely make a hall on goodies. They didn't even bother to go trick or treating in the neighborhoods.

Here, Josh is showing all the children how they really need to get the right crank on the ball for the bowling game.

1 comment:

Michael McMullen said...

Okay, don't tell Spencer (you totally can), but Sophie sells the "gangsta hands" a little better.