Maddie 11 first day of Junior High fall 2010:

Maddie 5 first day of kindergarden fall 2004:

So I know she is not leaving for college...and it is not like she is off to the big High School. But a big step for the Williams family this year...moving on up to Junior High. Hard to believe how fast these last 6 years have flown since we moved to Spokane. So much has happened! We may tease her that she still sneaks into our bedroom at 3 am and sleeps on the floor...but she has grown into quite the confident and independent young lady. She had no nerves at all about heading to a new bigger school today. It has been so delightful so far to watch her grow into the young lady she has. She loves unconditionally, has a hard work ethic in school an keeps her commitments to friends, family and her love of soccer. I pray that as she grows into and through the coming years of highschool and college that God would reveal Himself to her more and more and that He would take these wonderful beginnings of her personality and multiply them more than we or she could ever dream.
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