Her travels began by being mailed to Grandma French's house in Gearhart on the Oregon Coast. She has literally traveled the world. As she was mailed from each destination to the next, each person that had her mailed a letter or post card from themselves back to the school to share with the class. Some people went WAY above and beyond the call and mailed small packages and/or souveniers from where they were. My cousins in-laws are missionaries in Japan and they actually made a copy of flat sophia and dressed her in a kimono. (I will scan that and put up on the blog here soon.) The above is the orginal paper doll, attached to that was her "passport". The passport was the portion of the paperwork that people were to write where she went to and what they did or saw. When they were done they were to choose themselves where to send her next. She was to be returned to the school by May. We did not recieve it back and were unsure where she landed last or if she was lost in someones desk drawer for the summer. ....but low and behold on the first day of school... her 3rd grade teacher told her that she was recieved in the summer mail at the school. We were elated! her passport was filled out completely, every line full of wonderful stories. I thought it had a WONDERFUL ending. It came home from a family an extended family member serving in Afghanistan and the very last line read " Sophia's pretty tired now carrying all the weight from gear in the 130 degree weather and is ready to get back home and tell all her stories ...Ooh-Rah!!" IF I could scan the passport so that it could be read I would. Below I will list where she went and highlight fun one liners of each place that they wrote about:
1/2/10 Gearhart, Oregon- had a strawberry and creme frappacino with G-ma at starbuck.
1/7/10 Issaquah, Washington- A visit with aunt and "crazy" uncle ..may you travel far!
1/18/10 Omura, Nagasaki Japan-Made japenese dolls from "washi" a fancy japanese paper
1/29/10 Adelaide, South Australia-have been in a drought for 5 years but still a very beautiful place.
2/3/10 Jacksboro, Tennessee- 30 mnitues from the university of tennesee ...where Payton Manning was star quaterback!
2/11/10 Lake Orion, Michigan- Very cold on the lake. and over a foot. We ice skate on the lake.
2/16/10 Truth or Consequences, New Mexico- Sophia went to a polka party and country western dance
2/21/10 Chatsworth, California- Sophia visited the the dutch community in Solvang in the central coast of California
2/28/10 Sparks, Nevada -Sophia went to jumpman and jumped and jumped and jumped
3/3/10 Beaverton, Oregon- Uncle Jake STOLE Sophia's blanket!
4/14/10 Lakeville, Minnesota- Sophia played with a kindegardener and went to a dasiy troop meeting.
4/25/10 Swatara, Minnesota-visited the hobby farm to see baby chicks, beef cattle and 2 wild turkeys!
5/4/10 United Kingdon, England- Home of stonehenge, windsor castle, buckingham palace and the Queen of England!
6/15/10 Garmsir, Afghanistan-Sophia got to patrol with the Marines today. Walked through field and streams up to her shoulders.
Sophia clearly had a busy 6 months of travel....but saw and learned much! Definitely a treasure she will keep for her life!
Thanks to all the extended family upon family for taking to the top! You all did great!
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