I know, I know....it has been a VERY long time. Now that it has taken the better part of an entire year to get used to this working nights on and off schedule....I think I may be just feeling normal again. Here's to hoping that I can keep everyone updated on our family news and pictures. I will start with the happenings of this last weekend, Sophia's b-day and Easter. Eventually I am planning on posting some picutres that hightlight some events of this last year.

Everyone knows....BACON is Sophia's favorite food...followed closely by cheddar cheese...yikes on her little arteries....believe me... we watch her very closely on these two intakes. This was her desire for birthday dinner this year...waffles and bacon. It is always a hoot watching her eat bacon as well. as she grips it in a fist and shoves, she has the second gripped in her other hand ready and waiting. her hands are so greasy it is as if she is wringing the grease right about of it. Her grip is strikingly similar to her older brothers grip on a hot dog...by the time he has eaten half of his hot dog he has smashed the bun so tightly around it, it looks almost like a weiner wrap.

This is her friend birthday party she had on her birtdhay. She had a pedicure/manicure party. all went well and the girls had a blast!

We soaked feet and hands and painted all nails! And it just happened to be the birthday girl who knocked her basin of foot water all over the floor. Lucky for me only one flood!

The finished products!
I like how Sophia last years birthday party was a 'Pig' theme and this year she is eating bacon....Love her!
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