So, last week Maddie and Spence both had visits to the orthodontist. With Maddie they could jump right onboard and had a plan ASAP. She was in today getting braces. Spencer on the other hand has a second consult tomorrow morning. Nothing says $$$ like when they tell you, "Umm, I think I will need a week to look over his impressions and study his mouth a little more to figure out where we should start." hmmm....we'll see. Thankfully I have great insurance!

Maddie, just before her appointment this morning.

She has 4 little brackets on the front four teeth and on June 1 they will pull her baby canine teeth so that between the shifting of the front four and the space created from the extractions that the 3 huge adult teeth coming in will come down in the right place. If we didn't do this her adult canines were on track to come through the roof of the mouth behind the other two adult teeth. She will have this phase for 1 year, then a retainer until all her adult teeth are in nicely. At that point she will get a full set of braces to straighten them all out with the crowding issues she has.
That first picture scared me. Literally, I jumped in my chair. No, I'm not kidding.
The last picture made me say "aww". But couldn't erase the memory of the first image.
Good heavens.
My oh My!!! I am at loss for words
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