This is our beater Jeep that we have had for 10 years. In winter '06 it started having some fuse issues and then the breaks went out last summer and we pretty much garaged it. Well in recent weeks we decided to get it up and going again. I will admit I love the old tank feeling you get when driving it, BUT when I passed this car along as an "extra" when I got the mini van in '06 Dan decided to have a hay day with one of the windows...I think mostly to spite me as he added one decal after another. I kept telling him how I would never drive it again because I look like some BMX hillbilly he kept adding them, I'm sure just to irritate me...( Side note...he sells decals, banners and all that kind of he has stickers coming out his you know what!) In any event this last weekend he told the kids that "mom is making me take the stickers off"....but Sophia wanted to make sure that he left the American flag sticker on. WELL, all but one came down and the flag was a casualty. Needless to say, Sophia shed a tear and a loud roar! I know I am cruel. But I am the MOM!

"so he kept adding them, I'm sure just to irritate me"
Dan Williams? Really? That's so not like him.
"so he has stickers coming out his you know what!"
In one of my vain attempts to save the work of art that was the window, I pointed to a truck in the Les Schwab parking lot that had huge tires, many inches of lift...AND a bunch of stickers in the rear window and said, "Look baby, that truck has a bunch of stickers in the window." To which Tina replied, "Exactly."
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