Unless you are male or have a son...or possibly a husband who in secret dreams of being a super hero....you won't understand these photos! This is the..."I found a hole in my underwear so I shredded them to create some kind of superhero cape thing" followed by...."I was jumping, wrestling with Micah and flying off the couch at church and made contact with the concrete floor." The latter pitcure to me looks like a CPS picture...yikes!

"I found a hole in my underwear so I shredded them to create some kind of superhero cape thing"
Why wouldn't you? I still tie blankets around my neck for the same reason.
And if anyone asks about the black eye, tell them you had to fight off three big kids to save a kindergartener. Then you really are a super hero.
Just...leave the cape at home.
P.S. Lying is bad. Listen to your parents.
This was actually a "Dad asks son to help with laundry, finds hole in the underwear and passes on the time honored tradition of creating a Rambo headdress from expired tighty whities to his son" moment. We were laughing uncontrollably as we each donned the Rambo look (we shredded two pairs) and then we went for a Ten Commandments look with Spencer sporting one on each side of his head. He intended to save them to show his mom, but he left them on the bathroom floor and Lucy had her way with them.
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