The kids must have heard Tina and I talking about the spend-down dollar amount on her insurance coverage for her disease management drugs. As we were in our bedroom talking about it, the kids came down the hall explaining how they were going to get mom the money she needed by running a lemonade stand. Madeline and Spencer explained how they were going to use a box they'd made as a stand with cupboards and doors on it. They told us, "We just need Lemonade." Spencer said they were going to charge $2.30/cup. Madeline told him that was too much and said he'd originally wanted to charge $10.00/cup "to make more money." The look on her face and tone in her voice was priceless as she stood there saying, "$10.00...FOR LEMONADE??!!" I asked Spencer if he would pay $10.00 for a glass of lemonade and he said, "No way." To which Maddie replied, "See." Right before bedtime I caught Spencer in the kitchen pouring over the calendar and holding a pen. I asked him what he was doing and told him he better not be writing on Mom's calendar without talking to her first and he said, "Dad, I am figuring out when we're gonna do our lemonade stand." The whole thing brought Tina to tears. This whole first year and a half with MS has been an emotional ride for our family, particulary of course for Tina, and she and I were blown away that the kids would go to those lengths to try to help their mom. It truly makes me proud to be their dad and I feel more blessed than I can describe to have the family God has given me.
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