Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Look Out LaVar Burton

Where The Red Fern Grows

Monday, February 18, 2008
New family addition- --LUCY
This is our newest little member of the family. We will post a few more pics along with the funny stories. The kids are so excited to finally have a puppy. She is only 8 weeks old and is a miniature Chocolate Dapple Dachshund. She will only get to be about 11 pounds at full grown. (A light sack for some of our family and friends' dogs!) She is really fun and the kids love her to death already! She is a perfect fit here!

Happy Valentines Day
Sophia was very excited for her first school valentines party. She woke up very early to take a shower and insisted on having curls in her hair with a HUGE bow and her special red dress from Grandma Lu and Grandpa Tom. Right before leaving for school I caught her in the bathroom sneaking some of my lip gloss. hmmm...we will have to keep a close on eye on this one!

Friday, February 15, 2008
Thursday, February 07, 2008
If She Were a Superhero...

Me? Anal? NO!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
When life hands you lemons...

The kids must have heard Tina and I talking about the spend-down dollar amount on her insurance coverage for her disease management drugs. As we were in our bedroom talking about it, the kids came down the hall explaining how they were going to get mom the money she needed by running a lemonade stand. Madeline and Spencer explained how they were going to use a box they'd made as a stand with cupboards and doors on it. They told us, "We just need Lemonade." Spencer said they were going to charge $2.30/cup. Madeline told him that was too much and said he'd originally wanted to charge $10.00/cup "to make more money." The look on her face and tone in her voice was priceless as she stood there saying, "$10.00...FOR LEMONADE??!!" I asked Spencer if he would pay $10.00 for a glass of lemonade and he said, "No way." To which Maddie replied, "See." Right before bedtime I caught Spencer in the kitchen pouring over the calendar and holding a pen. I asked him what he was doing and told him he better not be writing on Mom's calendar without talking to her first and he said, "Dad, I am figuring out when we're gonna do our lemonade stand." The whole thing brought Tina to tears. This whole first year and a half with MS has been an emotional ride for our family, particulary of course for Tina, and she and I were blown away that the kids would go to those lengths to try to help their mom. It truly makes me proud to be their dad and I feel more blessed than I can describe to have the family God has given me.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

All five of us played a round of golf tonight after dinner and Sophia came out on top for the first time. As she was standing on her chair, arms raised and shouting "YES!" I said, "It must feel good to be the littlest one and be the champion, huh?" Sophia says, "If you were me, you would know how good this feels!"
Monday, February 04, 2008
So that's why they use two swabs...

Update. Spencer has Strep Throat after all. Apparently they swab the throat with 2 swabs because they do a quick 6 minute test AND a more detailed test. The first came back clean and I left Urgent Care yesterday with that understanding. Tina got a call today saying he actually has Strep Throat after all. Hopefully our friends, co-workers and church family aren't planning a fly-over bombing of our home ala the movie Outbreak. Good times.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Williams, party of three

Saturday, February 02, 2008
Don't Drive Angry!

"So put your little hands in mine, there ain't no hill or mountain we can't climb...babe."
"Ned. RYERSON. Needle Nose Ned, Ned the Head. Come on buddy, Case Western High! Don't tell me you don't remember me, 'cause I sure as heckfire remember you."
"I don't know where you're headed, but can you call in sick?"
"Sweet vermouth, rocks with a twist."
"No thanks, I've seen Larry eat."
Hands down one of the best comedies ever written. I love that my kids have taken to loving it almost as much as I do. Once again this year it didn't happen, but Tina and I have vowed to throw a huge Groundhog Day bash one year. For now, we'll have to settle for watching the movie AGAIN and listening to Sophia say, "Wake up all you woodchuck chuckers, it's GROUNDHOG DAY!" Oh, and uh, "Sorry folks, six more weeks of winter."
Sick Day
We woke up this morning to Sophia telling me she was dizzy. Then I noticed that she was feeling hot and I took her temp. It was 103.2 We took her right away to Urgent Care. They can actually run a test now to determine if you have the flu or not. They swabbed her nasal passages and the test came back positive for Influenza A. So they have told us that she must stay in and away from anyone for the next 5 days and also it is highly contagious so be prepared for the rest of the fam to end up with it. Dan is already sick and Spencer is now having chills and vomiting as I blog. wow! Anyhoo I had to take this picture because when I saw her on the laptop it made me think back to how lame it was to be sick when I was kid. We were lucky to have cable tv that allowed more than 20 Channels. What a difference.

Wild Winter
Snow Day
After the crazy several days of snow fall, the kids actually missed 3 days of school last week. They were the first school closures in Spokane in 11 years. This was the last snow day home from school. They had a blast creating their own little snow hills to sled. I believe Spencer named his "Spencer's Wickey Hill"

Afterwards the kids all came in to warm up with hot cocoa. I caught them just before they called a toast. It was really cute.

Game Night
Happy 9 Maddie!

Maddie had her first slumber party with a few of her good friends from school.
Also a picture of my good friends and super party helpers, Sue and Deborah. I can't thank them enough for all their help decorating 72 cupcakes. We made many so Maddie could have some for school and so that we could have extra for the church family game night. They were really yummy! Lastly, her favorite gift of the night. Eric wrote her a very special letter and gave her the book "The Dangerous Book For Girls." She loves it. She has had it opened almost daily and even quickly changed her class project for January (in the last 3 days before the due date) to do a presentation about it. Good selection Eric!
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