Monday, September 17, 2007

YIKES-the dad is the MONSTER

In Dan's desire to change his eating and drinking habits he began a growing love for the low carb monster. Though he has dropped over 60 pounds, which is great-- at times I think he may have a sickness....and now he has involved the children. He has saved nearly every empty can over the last 6 months and now is in the process of building a grandfather clock out the empties with the kids.

1 comment:

Michael McMullen said...

I expect to see Dan joining MA (Monster Anonymous).

"Hi, I'm Dan, and I'm a Monsterholic." Hi Dan.

Oh, and the picture of Spencer in almost full motion blur surrounded by empty Monster cans is priceless. I have a theory that if the young lad were to ever get that much caffeine, he would become invisible.