Maddie is on her first trip away from home. She as Camp this week with her cousin Grace. They have the cutest little cabin and camp area. My sister happens to be the camp she does have someone nearby in case she gets those "homesick feelings" My sister comes back to my moms each night to sleep and so far she tells me that the girls are doing just fine...and well pretty much snub her when she comes up to say hi to them....sounds like kids who entering that age of "uncool to talk to your parents around your peers".

Spencer and Sophia got to check the entire camp! Here, they are waiting in the lodge for cook Crusty to bring them some chocolate chip cookies! (spoiled niece and nephew)

After we got the campers off and settled at camp...Grandma and Grandpa came home from work and we decided that Spence and Sophia should get a little special treat since Maddie not only gets to go to camp but also gets to stay with them for a whole extra off to the arcade.....Sophia hit jackpot after jackpot and they left with a bag full of prizes. Spencer even took first place on a game against two older kids...and won a new little stuffed animal.

I really love this picture. this is at the turnaround in seaside...we took a little stroll after all the arcade fun. it was a really pretty night!
1 comment:
In the pic with Spencer looking at the games, I can totally read his mind.
"Oh. My. Gosh. This is the most awesomest place ever on earth!"
Least, that's what I'd be thinking.
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