Bill and Sue Beck (Uncle Bill & Aunt Sue) head up the Children's Ministry at Jacob's Well. They have become very well acquainted with the ways of our children and Tina and I get many opportunities to laugh together with them about the things they say and do. Sue told me Sunday after church that they had spent some time talking about missionaries and how Pastor Eric has been to The Netherlands on a number of occasions. Spencer responded, "Do you mean like Peter Pan?" [father's note: no son, that would be NEVERland]
During Sunday School on Mother's Day, Sue was asking the kids to share something they loved about their mom. Spencer said, "She makes me dinner and takes care of me when I'm sick" Sue told him that was very sweet and had a number of other kids share as well. She followed that question up by asking what nice things they could do for their mom on Mother's Day. My son replied, "Not say the F word?!" wow Spence, I can't wait until Father's Day.
Wow--can't wait for my turn! Thanks for the laughs!
Kids say the darndest things!
Like Peter Pan. That killed me.
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