Our friend Mike McMullen took this picture of Spencer at one of his games this year. He cropped and doctored it and sent it to Tina and I. He said it reminded him of Mickey Mantle. I think it's a great shot. Thanks Mike.
Monday, June 18, 2007
The Wal-Mart Effect...Williams style
I was in Wal-Mart the other night with Sophia and Spencer. Spencer was, well, being Spencer. He was walking goofy and stomping his feet as he walked next to the cart. Sophia was seated in the cart right in front of me. As my level of edginess grew, the following exchange took place:
Me: Spencer, stop.
Spencer: What?
Me: I know you're trying to be funny, but Dad's tired and I really don't need you pushing my buttons.
Sophia: Daddy, what does that mean, "pushing my buttons."
Me: It's something you say when someone is trying to irritate you on purpose.
Sophia: (without hesitation) He pushes my buttons a lot.
Me: [laughing and smiling]
Sophia: What?! He does. He irritates me on purpose all the time!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
What baseball game?
Here are most of the Bullets (Spencer & Logan's 5-6 year old Pony League Shetland team) and shots of Spencer and Logan working those sticks! Spencer got the tongue thing from his dad, I did/do the same thing almost anytime I am really focused on something. (sidenote: we're gonna have to move him back in the box!)
"Hey Dad, how many more innings? Who brought snack?"
As you can see, attention span plays a big role in 5-6 year old Pony Baseball. No. 2 is no exception. Yes, that's my son who looks like he's either in the starting blocks at a track meet or waiting at a bus stop, depending on the photo. Josh and I coach the team together and can be heard saying the following several hundred times a night, "Put your glove back on your hand," "Turn around and watch the batter," "Turn your hat around," "Stop playing in the dirt, we're here to play baseball," "Don't climb on the backstop," "Quit throwing grass at each other," "Stop talking to the other team and watch the game," "I don't know what Rickie's family brought for snack," "Can you hold it until after the inning?...
Bill and Sue Beck (Uncle Bill & Aunt Sue) head up the Children's Ministry at Jacob's Well. They have become very well acquainted with the ways of our children and Tina and I get many opportunities to laugh together with them about the things they say and do. Sue told me Sunday after church that they had spent some time talking about missionaries and how Pastor Eric has been to The Netherlands on a number of occasions. Spencer responded, "Do you mean like Peter Pan?" [father's note: no son, that would be NEVERland]
During Sunday School on Mother's Day, Sue was asking the kids to share something they loved about their mom. Spencer said, "She makes me dinner and takes care of me when I'm sick" Sue told him that was very sweet and had a number of other kids share as well. She followed that question up by asking what nice things they could do for their mom on Mother's Day. My son replied, "Not say the F word?!" wow Spence, I can't wait until Father's Day.
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