I love fall! This time of year is fragant and beautiful. people begin to burn fires as the evenings become cooler and cooler. The leaves are so radiant in color. I had a great vacation going back to Oregon to be with family and friends...probably to date the best trip in a long time. And always I had such a hard time leaving. I cried much, hard and most of the trip home. We got home late and went right to bed. When I woke up the next morning, it was fall it had really fallen when we were gone. Leaves were everywhere and the trees were gorgeous. I spent much of the next day getting things back in order and then I got to stop by good friend Kim's house to share in good coffee and conversation. The next day, Sarah and Averie spent the day with me, running to the store and then spending some time together, making lunch and baking pumpkin bread. The day was long but so comforting. by the end of the day we were out watching the kids ride bikes and playing. Sarah and I were lazily raking leaves when the kids came and wanted to dive into the pile. Her and I sat down and laughed so hard at just how crazy the kids got. Fall reminds me of just how Thankful I am for my friends and family and how cozy and comfortable life can be as the busy summer days come to a close.

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