Monday, September 25, 2006

And in this corner.....

Spencer had his first run-in with a playground bully today. Here's an abbreviated version of their exchange.

Bully: You're pretty small for a first grader.
Spence: Quit picking on me or I'll stick your head in a toilet and flush it.
Bully: Oh yeah. I'll kick you in the balls up to the sky!

He and I had a long talk when I got home from work about when to ignore them, when to walk away and when to drop 'em like a bad habit. Posted by Picasa


Matt and Erin said...

Oh goodness, Matt and I sure laughed over that one! Way to go Spencer for standing up for himself though! :) Thanks for the laugh!

Michael McMullen said...

Bullies suck. Even the reformed ones only get silver streets on their blocks in Heaven.

It is too in there! You have to do a little digging, but it's there.