One of my best and oldest friends in the world, Scott Allen Patershall, and I on the first day of kindergarten. "P" and his wife Cristi came up for Hoopfest last weekend. We all had a great time hanging out together. It was good to see you brother. I miss having you closer. -"D" p.s. Sorry I had to kick your butt at horseshoes so many times in a row like that. Nothing personal, just keeping with a time honored tradition of me dominating you! (I know I could break you down....)

LOL! Please don't forget who was singing, "I know I can break you down, but what good would it do." Yeah, it was me. And, "yes" you cannot forget my true dominance. It was great seeing you all and I must say, "good job" at beating me in horseshoes. But next time, I'm not going to throw left handed... Forgive me, I'm having trouble believing that you beat me in something when I had my eyes open... Love you, bro. P.
I think you're confused. The only times you should remember beating me was with a stick. While I slept. I guess I can't blame you. If I lost to someone as many times as you did to me, I'd probably resort to desperate measures too. At least Tonya Harding gave Nancy Kerrigan a chance and struck here while she was awake. Either way, Kerrigan and I are left to our pain and cries of "Why? Whhyy?" (translation: "Why can't inferior competitors just accept that second place is as good as it gets for them? Why do they have to be so jealous? Hmm, that's sad. -D (as in un "D" feated against Scott P ("P" as in, frequently "P"'d his pants at the thought of trying in vain to beat D at anything.)
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