Madeline loves to have her hair curled these days. I think I have figured out why she likes to look her best for school! This morning before school I was sitting on the floor in my room folding clothes and she came in from eating her cereal and was standing there leaning on the end of my bed and she begins to tell me that her friend Galvin at school told her last week "I love you" I tried to direct her into a new direction by saying " oh that is so sweet and it is so good to tell your friends that you love them" then she came right back at with me "I think that Galvin thinks he is going to marry me" So then I ask her..."do you want Galvin to marry you?" a smiley little girls tells " I think so" Although I do believe that Mr. Galvin has been sweet on our little Madeline since the beginning of school. She used to come home so angry because he used to look at her constantly in class. So I closed our conversation telling her that she needs to keep that information private only to her mom and dad! Ahh...though Sping is still a couple of weeks away it seems that love is in the air!

Someday her prince will come...but not before I get my prince!
Man...kids move fast these days. Does Soph's have a new man in her life these days, or am I still waiting for her?
When I was in kindegarten/first grade I was positive I was going to marry my best friends sister. She was a year younger than me. But one day she wouldn't share the Play-dogh and I knew it was over.
Okay that's not exactly how it ended...but if I ever write that into a story, that's how it'll end.
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