I had a chance to go rafting on the Spokane River today. Our friend Spencer (or Big Spence) is the Teen Center Director at the Valley YMCA and he put together a few rafting trips for the teens to be led by Peak 7 Adventures. The turnout of teens was really small, so me and Chris went along with his son Justin. It was a blast. The guys from Peak 7 are great. We put in at TJ Meenoch, went through Bowl & Pitcher and Devil's Toenail before taking out at Plese Flats. (about 2 hours downriver all told) Chris and I got to ride Bronco on the bows of our respective rafts. Everyone else shifts to the back and you sit at the very front with your legs dangling outside the raft as you go over the rapids holding onto only a short rope. What a ride. You bob way up and down... sometimes the raft gets to a 45 degree angle. Spence put on a phenomenal BBQ at the end. We all grubbed hard. What a sweet day, and beautiful weather.
OK....so here is a mass update of the happenings in April. NAC school has been great but I think at one point my head was about to spin off. I had this last week off to study at home and prepare for clinicals that start on Monday. Just enough time to catch my breath. I have a week and half more and then I need to prepare for the state exam. Woohoo, a light at the end of the tunnel!
My parents came bearing a very special gift for the kids. They brought them the entire set of 6 Start Wars movies. After talking with the kids about the great movies from our childhood, it donned on me that one of my all time favorites is E.T. We rented it last weekend and watched it as a family. I love this movie! The kids loved it and the entire time Spencer kept asking question after question. A new favorite in the household that is for sure!
Baseball practice started up a couple weeks ago and Dan & Josh are coaching Spencer & Logan's team again. Spencer came back out of this world! It was amazing to see him catching and throwing better than when he finished last season. He also was hitting like mad. He must have made contact and hit well 8 of 10 pitches from the coach. He is focused and working hard!
Well we had A weekend of spring like weather, actually almost summer like. The kids were so happy to be warm and playing with water again. We all got a bit sunburned at soccer games on Saturday. BUT not to be fooled because the very next weekend it was 31 and windy at soccer! Wild weather. And we still had some passing snow showers this last week as well!
The girls wanted Grandma to do their hair one last time before she left. They took pics and Spencer was a little left out so he joined in the photo shoot! I love this picture of him and Maddie. We also got a couple pictures of the little dog and big dog....they were a fun pair to watch over the course of 10 days.
We took my parents to see the newly built Cabela's in Post Falls. The kids had a blast...obviously grandma did too using the animal displays to create antlers on my children! The kids took some time on the indoor shooting range and Spencer totally lucked out and got on gun that had several credits beyond the tokens he put in. Dan challenged me at one point and our total scores were tied for hits BUT I beat him by about 3 minutes....so technically I win...had he been going as quickly as I, he would not have hit so many targets. I guess I did learn a few things in my past, good shooting technique is important for accuracy...As you can see I really left all that in the past as my children have not been taught how to handle the rifle....check out Maddie. My dad at times makes me laugh pretty hard...here we are wandering through this huge place and out of no where we hear this "hey" and turn around and he is just standing there with this huge goose on his head!
This was one of those moments...in the middle of a bite and my mom says "smile" so I make some crazy face and now I look like a total freak! good for laughs!
It was a REALLY cold drizzly day but it was a lot of fun! The 'Ohana team rallied up $1,170.00. Thanks for everyone who helped! I really appreciate all your support! Unfortunately Grandpa French didn't make it...he caught the yuck sickness from the kids! We missed you Dad!
April Showers bring May flowers.....hmmm right...this kind of shower just brings bitter people. It must have snowed three times during SPRING break. ridiculous!
We spent a few hours near the CDA resort one day. Had lunch at a fun little coffee shop and played at the park for quite a while. Even though it was sunny it was still really cold!