Friday, November 03, 2006

breaking the spell!

Ha Sophia....stuborn Sophia! You have bonded with Eric! Eric, I made sure to show her these pictures as soon as I came across them when I was cleaning up my scrapbooking stuff! She laughed. Maybe now that she has seen proof that you have been close to her she will loosen up! Posted by Picasa

See there..even from just weeks old, there was a bond!  Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A broken heart!

I AM DONE~ I have finally come to the conclusion that we are not a cat family. Right now my house is so quiet and peaceful..but not for long. Because when Maddie gets home the house is going to explode in emotion. MILO is gone. She is just going to lose it. This is her 4th cat. Just a quick recap on the last 4 cats. Daisy was hit by a car at our old house in Portland. only had her 4 months. Reilly ...hit by a car...(9months) Rascal stolen or ran away never came up dead (4 months) and now Milo...gone missing (4 months) As if last night wasn't crazy enough with Spencers "stomach ache". between running to the bathroom with him and answering the door for gouls and gobblins and feeding the others dinner..the cat ran out the front door on one of the treaters. In our rush to leave we forgot to make sure he got back in. I woke out of a sound sleep last night...remembering the cat got out. Normally if he gets out he plays for about an hour and then comes right back in..and if he gets left out when we leave he always hears us coming when we get home and races to the door to get in. And he is AWLAYS inside when we go to bed. So since I haven't seen him since he ran out...he is a gonner. The pisser about the whole thing...I told Maddie at dinner that we needed to lock him in the basement so that he couldn't sneak out when the treaters come. we forgot! Her sorrow will be the loss of her cat and also because Dan and I told her and have repeatedly told her that if something happens to Milo..that is more cats. so it will be a double whammy this afternoon. The sorrow for mom and dad...all the stinkin' money we put into him...we just had him declawed and neutered! do you hear the toilet flushing too? Wish me luck! Posted by Picasa

All Hallows Eve!

The clown Girl! She was a riot in this costume. She also has a bg red nose but refused to wear it. Posted by Picasa

The pumpkins lighting the way to the door! left to right....Maddie, Spence and then of clourse the clown girl-Sophie~! Posted by Picasa

The Princess! Oh and by the way there is no picture of our little Power Ranger with the pumpkins because the entire 30 minutes before we left he was on and off the toilet..tells me later...he didn't eat his lunch but he ate 4 pieces of candy and a cupcake at the class party...loce the holiday!.Posted by Picasa

For Halloween we began by trick or treating in a firends neighborhood and then ended up here, at the church. Bill and Sue put on a great open house fun night for kids to come to. We had lots of local kids come in for games, food and candy. Dan so cleverly stole the sign from lollipop tree to mock Bill and Josh as they are breaking in the new hoop shoot game~! I think Bill kept kicking the butts at this!  Posted by Picasa

Sarah and I loved this house. It is a cute victorian style home and decorated so cute too! We made the kids stand here for group photo so we could use the great decorations for the backdrop! Posted by Picasa

The gang.  Posted by Picasa

You know how when you were a kid there was always the really "cool neighborhood" to get candy....well thanks to Josh and Sarah our kids have been exposed! They took us over to a friends neighborhood where they all really get into the the holiday. This sweet lady had her card table and coleman stove out making peppermint hot chocolate while kids got warmed up by the fire she also had out. She said it was alst minute thought because she had heard it was supposed to get down to 14 degrees. Sophia loved it because she also was a clown.  Posted by Picasa

Specner was freezing so this was his favortie part of trick or treating! Posted by Picasa

This was Sophies favorite game. You spin the wheel and what ever color you land on you get a certain amount of candy. Here she is checking the score sheet to see how much a yellow is worth.  Posted by Picasa

Spencer is getting ready to rubberband shoot some cones to win some candy tickets. Posted by Picasa hit..maybe next time Spence. Posted by Picasa

Maddie getting ready for the shootout Posted by Picasa

Maddie and Logan were racing! Posted by Picasa

she shoots...she scores! Posted by Picasa