Spencer's first day fo school was quite different than we all had expected! Spencer turned 5 this last summer and is technically old enough for kindergarden. We had originally signed him up for preschool this year to hold him back a year..but after carefully reading through the preschool info and some other factors, Dan and I decided that we should have him in kindergarden this year! So Monday morning was majorly hectic....cancelling his place in preschool and then finding out that all of the Kindergarden classes at our grade school are full and that he needs to overflow to the next school. I was a little worried that he would flip not being at his sisters school and not in Micah's kindergarden class. But it was the complete opposite. After we got him registered we were off to Walmart to get his very first back pack and school supplies! Got him to his PM Kindergarden class with Mrs. S. and he was beaming with excitement to be in his own big kid school! I barely got introduced to Mrs. S. when he was sending me on my way..."bye mom, see you in awhile". wow! He makes me laugh at times that is for sure. So then I go back to pick him up and there he waits with his teacher on the playground....comes running over, jumps in the car. His first words to me are "that was totally cool! totally awesome, mom!" Then he proceeds to tell me this story about his new friend, Michaelangelo and how he has this really cool sweater and a back pack just like his. I probe a little as I am suprised about his new friends name and then he tells me that his sweater is so cool because it has a ninja turtle on the front of it! For any of you who don't know...one of the ninja turtles names is michaelangelo! So I tell Spencer, "are you sure his name is Michaelangelo or are you just not sure of his name and are calling him that?" He replies "ok, ok...that isn't his name...I just can't remember his name though!" arggg...insert here the parenting conversation that teaches your kids how to make sure not call people by anything other than there own name! I can only imagine Spencer running around at recess yelling "hey Michaelangelo!"