We had an opportunity to go home to Aloha for the last weekend in October. Dan will be starting a new job this November 15 and also because of uncertain how the weather will be by Thanksgiving and Christmas we wanted to be able to take one last trip home to see family and friends. It was a really packed weekend but so much fun. We arrived Friday night and stayed with my parents. This allowed us to surprise some of Dan's family. Saturday night was an 80th birthday party for Dan's Grandma Hailey. We were able to make it and spent a good time visiting with grandma Lu's family. I also got to spend a great deal of time with my sister Christy and my mom.
I am not sure if you all know that the "French family" really went through a tornado of changes this last summer. My sister Jenny and her family sold their home and moved to Australia for 2 years. And Christy and her family moved in from Gearhardt on the Oregon Coast to Portland. And of course we moved to Spokane. My poor mom and Dad! At least one of us three girls is there. All these moves and changes made it impossible for Christy and I to ever have time to see each other or let alone talk! I literally had not seen or even talked to her for about 2 months. It was good to get home and just talk with my sister. I have really missed her. Luckily Jenny and the kids had some time to come up and have great visit before they went down uder! Jenny and Jake have a blog site now for all there Austalia news! www.aussieniesen.blogspot.com
The goodbyes from familyand friends whether coming here or us going there has been more tearful than I ever thought. I have come to realize that it is because the time we spend together has so much more quality than when we were all near each other. It has been a wonderful emotional ride for me. Bittersweet but so good for the heart. I am looking forward to having Dan's mom, April and the boys come up this weekend. The kids are really excited. I am sure that we will have much to journal about the cousins along with some pictures!
Well, I thought I would start trying to take some time to actually talk to you all as well as having pictures. Good bye for now.